Fire Pump Systems

Ideal for structures requiring high water volume.

Our technicians also perform the necessary fire pump flow test. The fire pump flow test is required by NFPA 25 to be conducted once a year in order to measure the pump’s flow and pressure. The test should be performed by attaching hoses to the discharge test header. The hoses are then run to a safe location where the flow of water will cause no damage.

Fire Pump System Offerings

Horizontal Split Case

Horizontal Split Case pump systems are the most commonly used. With ease of access to all working parts, access to various sizes, ability to move large amounts of water and long term dependability, it’s easy to see why. A water source that provides positive suction pressure is required.

Vertical Split Case

Akin to the horizontal split case pump, the pump and motor in this system are presented vertically. This offers the advantage of less floor space usage and motor flooding prevention. A water source that provides positive suction pressure is required.

Vertical In-line

Vertical in-line systems also present vertically. Typically smaller and more compact, these systems require less space compared to other pumps. Perfect for applications where space is limited. While you can opt for in-line mounting, removing the need for special pads or foundations, the entire driver must be removed for maintenance or repairs which can be considered a drawback to the system. Positive suction pressure is required.

Vertical Turbine

Vertical turbine pump systems do not require a positive suction pressure water source, meaning this type of pump can operate without priming. Underground tanks or wells are the typical water sources for these systems. These pumps force water up through the column pipe to the pump discharge.

End Suction

Considered a horizontal pump, end suction pumps are defined as “A single suction pump having its suction nozzle on the opposite side of the casing from the stuffing box and having the face of the suction nozzle perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the shaft.”* Similar to the vertical turbine pump, the water flowing through an end suction pump makes a 90* radial turn from suction to discharge.

Feeling the pressure of finding the right pump system for your needs?